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Dedusting filter cartridges 125/228/327mm

Entstaubungs Filterpatrone 125/228/327mm

The standard filter media is resistant of abrasion, is stabil and is proofed of BIA according ZH 1/487 2 and is available for separation of hazardous for health dust. Available in anti static version of surface coated.
Operating temperature 80°C, ask for higher temperatures and special dimmensions. The metal part are also available in stainless steel version.

-universal usable in all industry areas
-filter cartridges mountable on the incoming air side
-the outer side is the dust side
-cleaning is possible by shacking or impulses of compressed air
-open and flat fold geometry for a high surface capacity
-optimal to clean

Fields of application:

-silo ventilation
-product separating
-pneumatic transport
-workplace dedusting


Wooddust filter cartridge


The standard filter media is resistant of abrasion, is stabil and is proofed of BIA according ZH 1/487 2 and is available for separation of hazardous for health dust. The back direction of the exhaust air is possible. The filter material is available for the EX protected area with anti static version in addition.

Operating temperature 80°C, ask for special dimmensions. The wood dust filter cartridges are able with brush cleaning set.

-5 times so much filter surface compaired to other filter tubes and bags by the same nessesary place
-easy to change to filter bags
-clean air side outer
-open and flat fold geometry for a high surface capacity
-filter cleaning with brush or out of ballance motors
-high grade of sepataion and long life time according proofed filter media


Rough dust filter R 15-150/350/500 (G2-G4)

Grobstaubfilter R 15-150/350/500 (G2-G4)Fields of application

Filter mats made for pre and rough filtration of the suction air in air conditioning systems for a high level in the industry, machinery, cooling systems and compressor systems. It provides a balanced separation in areas with a very high air budget and under extreme conditions and are able to regenerate. This serie are often washable and includes also a very high dust collecting capacity with a low damage of air pressure. Therefor it is very cost effective and has a log life time.


This filter media consists of high level fiber and is arranged in some degreasing close by layers, it results a very high dust colection capacity with a low demage of pressure plus a gravimetric grade of separation acc. EN-779. The fiber of the serie R15 is bounded in a deeping bath and in adition increased, to realizze a very high stability and also a very high dust collecting capacity. The filter media are made of fiber and adhasive agent and is resistant contra chmical influence like solvent or acid steam plus it is very stabil contra pressure. According the stability, the filter media is to use again several times after washing with warm water. The clean air side is smoothed for a correct installation as cut, roll, of pocket filter and also labeled with the type.
The R15 media agrees with all fire rules of the European Union (DIN 53438-F1) and are self-extinguishing. The independence quality control acc. EN 779 realizze a constant quality together with the G2-, G3- or G4-classification.


Textil filter tubes and filter pockets

Textile Filterschläuche und FiltertaschenWe are able to deliver textil Filter tubes and pocket filters for all industry areas where dry or wet filtration is nessesary. We develop and produce special filters according your requirement.


Fiber vlies - woven fabric -viscose

Faservlies-Stoffe ViskoseFor the metal processing industry we produce band filters, filter plates und round filters of vlies fabrics for an effective and low cost cleaning of process liquids.
The vlies fabrics are best usable to drainage solid pigments of liquids.
Filter vlies fabrics prolongs the life time of cooling lubricants and realizzes in band filter applications a lot of advantages, like increasing of the surface percision of the measurement of the parts, prolong the life time of the tools.
The disposal of the vlies fabrics is very easy. We deliver bankd filters of viscose, polypropylene, polyester fiber for force of gravity filter systems and wash ashore filter systems, pressure band filters and vacuum filter systems.

Delivery possibilities: area weight from 17 to 100 g/qm,width til max. 200 cm.

Delivery format: lengh of rolls, diameter of rolls and diameter of cartridge according on the market available systems.